Bachelor of 科学 in Data 科学

Bachelor of 科学 in Data 科学

不仅仅是大数据. 更好的数据.

每个组织都希望使用数据来推动决策. esball国际平台客户端(esball国际平台客户端)的数据科学学士学位告诉你该怎么做. You'll ask and answer questions that lead to happier customers, more efficient production, better patient outcomes — and a stronger, 更聪明的底线.

新出现的挑战不仅仅是数据存储和数字处理. 算法几乎影响着我们生活的方方面面——我们会看到什么样的esball国际app, whether our résumé is viewed, if our loan application is accepted. 人工智能有望为社会带来巨大的潜在利益, 但很明显,这些能力必须得到妥善管理.


Why Study Data 科学 at Clarkson?

As a data science major at Clarkson, 你将超越理论,学习如何解决现实世界的问题. Whether you're in finance, 医疗保健, 政府, retail or countless other industries, data science powers how decisions get made.

你将在数学和计算机科学方面建立一个强大的核心课程基础, 在Reh商学院的信息科学支持基础上,您将获得该领域的360度视角. 当你毕业的时候,你会理解整个数据科学的生命周期. You'll help organizations determine what data to collect, construct the systems needed to store it, 开发算法来理解它,并与他人分享你学到的东西. 我们的目的是让你具备成为现在和下一代工具领导者的技能.

And, Clarkson's Data 科学 Class of 2023 had a 100 percent placement rate.


In addition to 35 credit hours in mathematics and statistics, 你将学习六个小时专门指定的数据科学课程, 6个学分的应用选修课和22个学分的计算机科学与信息系统.

You can take classes including:

  • Algorithm and Data Structure
  • 大数据架构
  • Computational Learning
  • Database Design and 管理
  • Data Warehousing for Analytics
  • Ethics in Data 科学 and Applied Mathematics
  • Intro to Data 科学
  • Math Modeling and 软件
  • Probability and Statistics

数据科学课程包括35个学分的数学和统计学, 6 credit hours in data science, 13 credit hours in computer science, 8 credit hours in science, 9 credit hours in information systems, and 6 credit hours in application electives. 24 credit hours are in free electives, 如果你选择修辅修或第二专业,哪一项足够.

All courses are 3 credits unless noted.

Clarkson Common Experience

以下课程是所有学生的必修课程,无论他们的学习计划如何. These courses are offered during the fall semester, FY100第一年研讨会只要求一年级学生参加. FY100和UNIV190通常在esball国际平台客户端第一年的秋季学期进行.
FY100 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)
UNIV190 The Clarkson Seminar (3 credits)

Data 科学 Core Requirements

Students are required to complete the following courses:

Data 科学/Information Systems

  • DS241 Introduction to Data 科学
  • DS392 Ethics in Data 科学 and Applied Mathematics
  • IS314数据库设计 & 管理
  • IS415 Data Warehousing for Analytics
  • IS426 大数据架构

Professional Experience


  • MA499 Professional Experience (0 credits)

Mathematics Courses for Data 科学

Students must complete the following 12 courses:

  • MA131微积分I
  • MA132微积分II
  • MA200 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling & 软件 
  • MA211 Discrete Mathematics and Proof 
  • MA231微积分III 
  • MA339 Applied Linear Algebra
  • 统计 381概率
  • 统计 382 Mathematical Statistics
  • 统计 383 Probability and Statistics
  • 统计 384 Advanced Applied Statistics
  • 统计 385 Bayesian Data Analysis
  • 统计 488 Statistics Projects (1-3 credits)

科学 Courses for Data 科学


Students must complete the following four courses:

  • CS141 Introduction to 计算机科学 I (4 credits)
  • CS142 Introduction to 计算机科学 II
  • CS344 Algorithms and Data Structures
  • CS449 Computational Learning


Students must complete two of following courses:

  • Biology (BY) 4-credit course with lab
  • Chemistry (CM) 4-credit course with lab
  • Physics (PH) 4-credit course with lab

Data 科学 Core Electives


应用程序的选修课 are courses from outside the MA, 统计, CS, 以及在某些领域提供深度知识的IS课程指定. 学生必须修两门200级或更高级别的3学分课程, both from the same subject area, 与数学系批准的特定配对.

Knowledge Area/University Course Electives




*航空航天研究或军事科学的高级(300或400级)课程最多12个学分可计入毕业要求. 航空航天研究或军事科学在100和200级别的学分不计入所需的120小时. Other restrictions may apply; check with the Mathematics Department for details.

As early as your first year, 你将有机会在数学和数据科学教师进行研究时与他们一起工作. 你也可以在学期或夏季为自己的研究项目获得学分.

Learn more about research at Clarkson.

甚至在你毕业之前,就把你的数据科学技能运用到校外合作或实习中去. Use this experience to fulfill your graduation requirement, 或者完成多个作业来探索数据科学在现实世界中的应用.

Learn more about co-ops and internships.

esball国际平台客户端提供200多个学生经营的俱乐部和组织. Many focus on mathematics, 计算机编程和其他领域,你可以把你的数据科学技能的工作. Or, you can just relax with a club sport or other activity.

See all clubs and organizations.

本科数据科学课程给你留了足够的空间去修辅修课程. These dovetail closely with the major's scope:


Build a strong foundation in programming, basic software engineering principles and the design, analysis and implementation of data structures and algorithms. 然后,选择选修课,深入了解你选择的领域.

Learn more about the computer science minor.

Information Technology

Every organization is driven by data. IT专家建立了网络,让需要的人可以访问这些数据,而不需要的人则被拒之门外. This minor includes courses on problem-solving and programming, 计算机系统, database administration, computer networks and web technologies.

Learn more about the information technology minor.

Real-World Applications of Math

数据分析帮助Alicia Mangal '19看到了一种将数学应用于工作的全新方式. “突然之间,数字比文字更能说明问题……我知道我想成为一个讲故事的人,”她说. 作为锡拉丘兹SRCTec的一名制造业分析师,她正在将这些技能运用到工作中.


Data science has been called the "sexiest job of the 21st century" ——当你看到等待着你的职业时,你就会明白为什么了. 根据美国.S. 美国劳工统计局预计,数据科学工作岗位的数量将增加 increase an eye-popping 36 percent by 2031.

Data scientists are needed in fields such as:

  • 银行与金融
  • 网络安全
  • Media and entertainment
  • 政府
  • 医疗保健
  • 零售和电子商务
  • 电信




Department of Mathematics
电话: 315-268-2395

有兴趣了解数据科学学位如何为你工作? 立即esball国际平台客户端.

100 Percent Placement Undergrad - Program Specific

Data 科学 Grads Are Going Places

我们的毕业生已经为这个新项目建立了良好的声誉. Recent graduate Izzi Grasso '21, 金水学者, 获得了著名的美国国家科学基金会奖学金攻读esball国际app,目前正在华盛顿大学攻读信息科学博士学位.



esball国际平台客户端的数据科学学士学位为您准备了世界上增长最快的领域之一. 今天问我们更多.